Showing posts with label computer science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer science. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2020

Information and Computer Science

Information and computer science (ICS) or computer and information science (CIS) (plural forms, i.e., sciences, may also be used) is a field that emphasizes both computing and informatics, upholding the strong association between the fields of information sciences and computer sciences and treating computers as a tool rather than a field.
Information science is one with a long history, unlike the relatively very young field of computer science, and is primarily concerned with gathering, storing, disseminating, sharing and protecting any and all forms of information. It is a broad field, covering a myriad of different areas but is often referenced alongside computer science because of the incredibly useful nature of computers and computer programs in helping those studying and doing research in the field – particularly in helping to analyse data[1] and in spotting patterns too broad for a human to intuitively perceive. While information science is sometimes confused with information theory, the two have vastly different subject matter. Information theory focuses on one particular mathematical concept of information while information science is focused on all aspects of the processes and techniques of information

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Computer science vs software Engineering

Computer Science

  • Web Developer/Architect, The Steele Group
  • Programmer, Harry Rosen Inc.
  • Mobile/Cloud Developer, Clearbridge Associates Limited
  • Software Engineering, General Dynamics Canada
  • Software Development Engineering, Microsoft
  • Agile Engineer, Pivotal Labs
  • Business Analyst, Canadian Tire Corporation
  • Developer Advocate, Google
  • Product Manager, Dropbox

Software Engineering

  • Software Developer, Tagged Inc
  • Software Developer, IBM Canada
  • Software Manager, Arius Software Corporation
  • Software Engineer, VistaPrint USA
  • Software Engineer, Harris Corporation
  • Software Developer, Accenture Inc.
  • Technical Product Manager — Software Design & Development, NexJ Systems Inc

  • Consultant, PureFacts Financial Solutions